Charges are billed monthly through the online system around mid-month. Please use the mail service forms for all domestic and international mail. Please keep international mail separate from domestic mail.
Description of mail classes as outlined on the monthly billing statement:
- Class 1: Full postage (non-presorted mail) that weighs over 14 ounces, postcards, International packages over pounds, and special services such as ‘Certified’, ‘Return Receipt’, ‘Express Mail’, and ‘Global Mail’. Priority Mail is listed separately.
- Class 2: One and two-ounce letters with presorting rates applied (#10 envelopes)
- Class 3: “Flat” mail – pieces that weigh 3-13 ounces with presort rates applied
- Class 4: Media Mail – can only be used for mailing books, DVDs, or CDs
- Class 6: Ground Services (Federal Express or UPS for most packages over 5 lbs) – Insurance available
- Class 7: First Class International Airmail (4-8 days)
Global Priority through the USPS is a 3-4 non-trackable service to certain foreign markets. Other options are available for heavier mailings.
Standard Non-Profit Mail (formerly Bulk/Third class)
If you have a mailing of 200 or more pieces or 50 pounds with each piece weighing less than 1 pound, you may qualify for a significant discount by mailing at the Non-Profit bulk rate. Peggy Smith is available to discuss this option with you and to coordinate its preparation.
Should you mail Non Profit? View this video to find out:
Nonprofit mailings are sent to a local mail fulfillment service to provide various types of services including:
- folding, inserting, sealing
- address verification
- merge/purge lists
- inkjet delivery and/or return address directly on the mailing piece
- apply nonprofit permit/indicia, apply nonprofit stamp, or meter
- print/copy services
- tab self-mailers
- provide envelopes to complete mailing
- and much more