The following Budget/Object codes (as of 2/3/2003) will trigger HIPAA compliance processing.​

​11​All​Academic Salaries (As a general rule, PO and CR documents rarely use this code)​
12​All​Staff Salaries (As a general rule, PO and CR documents rarely use this code)​
13 – 19​All​Miscellaneous Salaries​ (As a general rule, PO and CR documents rarely use this code)
20 – 29​​AllFringe Benefits (As a general rule, PO and CR documents rarely use this code)​
30​00​Consultant, Professional Services, Travel​
30​02​Consultant or Technical Service​
​30​04Audit Fees – Federal Projects​
30​​05​Audit Fees – Student Programs
​30​20​Professional Fees Commissioned artwork, portraits, performers, etc.
​30​80​Legal Fees
​30​87​Consulting, Other
​31​27​Drugs and medications
31​​91​Services, Miscellaneous
34​​02​Tissue Culture Center
34​​04​MEDPIC – Computer Graphics/MEdical Illustration
​34​10​DNA Labs – Real-Time PCR
​34​12​Radiological Science Imaging Facility
​34​22Microarray Facility​
​34​27​Drugs and Medications
​34​28​Photocopy Cost
​35​00​Other Expenses
​35​02​Insurance on Persons
​35​04​Temporary Employment
​35​06​General services (Including Transcription Services)
​35​13​Printing and Binding
​35​16​MR Facility
​35​22​DNA Synthesis
​35​26​Cell Storage
​35​27​Film Processing. Both photographic and microfilm. Includes film development, prints, slides, and enlargements microfilming of originals and duplication of microfilm records, and copying VCR tapes.
​35​33​Computer Services purchased from Services Bureau. Computer Services including, COM (microfiche), time-sharing, keypunching, database subscriptions, etc.
​35​36​Medical Computer Services including the Institute of Biomedical Computing, Medical Computing Facilities and WU Biomedical Research Computing Facilities and Medical Library
​35​44​Clinical and Lab Services
35​​48​X-Ray Services
​35​49​Satellite Broadcast Services
​35​59​Test fees, exam fees, certification fees for exams
35​​66​Computing Facilities Consortium. Maintenance and support for medical school IDX systems
​35​68​External Patient Billing and Collection Services
​35​70​Protein Chemistry Lab Services
35​​80​Lab Services – Research
35​​82​DNA Sequencing Lab Services
​35​88​Services, other. Services that should not be reimbursed as an indirect cost should be charged to this budget/object. Examples of other unallowable expenses for the purpose of federal research include alumni activities, donations and contributions, legal fines and penalties, selling, marketing, and advertising. Engravings for gifts or social events such as retirement plaques for employees and magazines for offices.
​35​99​Other Services or Miscellaneous. Other service or miscellaneous expenses and shredding and recycling.
​36​65​Rehab. Rehab (48xxx) Home health visits (including less than 50 miles)
​41​00​Patient Care Costs
​41​01​Hospitalization – inpatient
​41​02​Patient Care Expense
​41​05​Outpatient Costs
41​06​Patient Care Expense
​41​20, 25-29, 40-47, 49-52, 55, 59, 60, 69​Patient Care Expense
​41​35​Barnes Jewish Hospital Lab Testing – Internal Billing
​67​00, 13​Bindings