Important Update: Potential Supply Chain Disruptions Due to Labor Strike

As you may know, an ongoing labor strike is affecting major East Coast ports. The longer the strike continues, the greater the potential impact on shipping operations, the supply chain, and the timely receipt of goods. Key Impacts: Mitigation Measures: Action Required: Review your supply now and identify high-risk shipments that could be affected by […]

WashU Preferred Large Bottled Water Supplier

Puritan Springs, a women-owned business, is WashU’s preferred source for five-gallon bottled water. It replaces Unlimited Water, which recently closed its business. Puritan Springs submitted the lowest cost for water and cooler rentals through a competitive bid process. In addition, Puritan Springs has agreed not to charge Washington University a deposit fee for water bottles. […]

Bender, Inc. New Exclusive Partner for WashU Stationery

WashU recently selected Bender, Inc. to be the exclusive provider of all stationery print items, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, and notecards. This new partnership will streamline ordering through one vendor for all stationery needs. All items in Bender’s Marketplace catalog reflect WashU’s new brand guidelines and have been approved by WashU MarComm. This ensures […]

New – Event Planning & Restaurant Directory

Just in time for the holidays the Office of Resource Management has reviewed and selected a number of dining and event spaces to provide departments with a list of options for their business needs. The event and dining businesses found in the links provided below were primarily chosen based on their ambiance, reputation, and proximity […]

New Apple Computer Ordering Process

Apple is now only accepting punchout purchase orders. Please place any future Apple orders through the Marketplace punchout. If you cannot find what you need through the punchout, please contact our dedicated Apple representative who will work with you to create a quote. Once created, this quote will be housed within the punchout. You can […]

2023 USPS Rate Increase

Effective January 22, 2023, new USPS rate changes will take effect. To access the full table of information click here. Some of the most common products and increases are listed in the chart below. Please contact Laurie Brady ( or Dale Bruning ( for any questions or concerns. Visit the Mail & Receiving website here.

Acendas Travel (previously Gwins Travel) Service Termination

Acendas Travel has recently decided to terminate servicing the educational sector and after December 31, 2022 travel can no longer be booked through them. Travel that has already been reserved through Acendas will continue to be serviced through the completion of that trip. If you currently have unused tickets with Acendas you will need to […]

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Lab Cabinets – New

Lab Cabinets – New PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

Carpet Squares

Carpet Squares PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

VTC Flooring Squares

VTC Flooring Squares PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

Bookcase Shelving Units

2 bookcase shelving units 81 x 34.5 x 12.25 PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

Corner Desks with File Cabinets – New

2 corner desks with 4ft returns – maple color – with file cabinets PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

Glass Conference Table – 6ft

Glass Conference Table 6ft long PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

3 Drawer Lateral File – New

3 drawer lateral file – new – 40.5 x 42 x 19 PRICE: FREE *Must be picked up by 7/19/19 Operations & Facilities Wanda Haertling 314-362-0128

Dickson SK4/SL4 4″ Temperature Chart Recorder

Dickson SK4/SL4 4″ Temperature Chart Recorder-self contained temperature recorder, never used PRICE: FREE Internal Medicine-Hematology Cheryl Barrett 314-362-7575

Bed frame and Mattress

Black bed frame and queen-sized Haugsvar mattress. (pickup only) PRICE: $70 Computer Science Wei Leng 314-807-6066

Fisher Serological Pipets

One bag of Fisher 5 ML and one bag of Fisher 10 ML Serological Pipets PRICE: FREE Internal Medicine – Hematology Cheryl Barrett 314-362-7575