Resource Management is the umbrella unit at Washington University in St. Louis under which Purchasing Services, WUSTL Marketplace, Mail Services, Supplier Diversity, and Furniture and Design Services reside.
New IT Procurement Vendor Intake Form
IT Procurement (Resource Management and WUIT) in partnership with Information Security is excited to roll out a form designed to create more efficiency in supporting IT vendor requests. This form is designed to be the first important step to engaging with external IT vendors. The form will provide IT Procurement pertinent information regarding a vendor’s IT products/services so that they can effectively review the contract and/or other applicable documentation. It will also immediately trigger Information Security to start their evaluation process of the risks of the vendor products/services and determine if there are any significant security concerns.
Resource Management – COVID-19 Information
Thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve you in this time of need. We want to personally share our efforts to help keep your operations up and running during this unprecedented and evolving situation.
Resource Management continues to manage backorders for goods and services, mostly the PPE products. Our team of contract managers is working closely with suppliers to maintain the flow of products and find alternatives where supplies may be limited. Like many, we are affected by the global shortage of pandemic-related products, including personal protective equipment. To order PPE supplies from our department, please click here to order supplies or for more information.

Furniture & Design Services
Services to help the university departments create a working environment that is highly functional, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing.

Mail Services
Manages the Campus Post Office providing faculty, staff and students on-campus postage and mail services.

Preferred Suppliers
Purchasing Services has developed contracts with a series of preferred suppliers that provide value to all departments in pricing and services.

Purchasing Services
Purchasing related services including product sourcing, contract negotiation, RFP development, proposal analysis, and supplier management.

Staff Discounts
View a list of Vendors that offer WU employees WU contract pricing on items purchased for personal use.

Supplier Diversity
Our Supplier Diversity Program encourages relationships with businesses owned by women and members of minority communities.

Supplier Justification Form
If your purchase exceeds $25,000 or $10,000 or more using sponsored funds, you may need to complete the form.

WashU Marketplace
Learn about our online electronic purchasing requisition program containing supplier catalogs and assistance with requisitions, order transmissions, and purchase history.